Phone: 317.466.0624 | Fax: 317.466.0638

Amy F. Bernon

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Amy F. Bernon grew up in Syracuse, New York.  During the long winters, she would pass the time by playing piano, singing with friends, and writing songs.  She earned degrees from The Hartt School and the Yale University School of Music.  Amy studied composition with Martin Bresnick, Robert Carl, Jacob Druckman, and Libby Larsen, among others.

In past years, Amy taught music and accompanied choirs at The Taft School in Watertown, CT and at Buckingham Browne and Nichols School in Cambridge, MA.  She founded the Alamanda Women’s Choir and directed the Litchfield County Children’s Choir.    

Amy has been commissioned by many choirs throughout the U.S. and abroad.  She lives in beautiful western Connecticut with her husband, Jonathan. 

Colla Voce Music LLC • PO Box 20484, Indianapolis, IN .46220 • 317.466.0624