Tom T. Shelton, Jr. is a native of Greensboro, N.C. and a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with both a Bachelor of Music Education Degree and Master of Music in Choral Conducting. He is the Associate Director of the Music Ministry for Children and Youth at First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro.
Prior to working at First Presbyterian Church, Shelton taught middle school choral music in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County for eighteen years. During this time he was selected “Teacher of the Year” for both Atkins Middle School and Kernersville Middle School, and in 1999 was presented the North Carolina Middle School Music “Teacher of the Year” award by the NC Music Educators Association.
Choral groups under his direction were invited to perform for the NC Music Educators Conference and the NC ACDA Conference. Shelton presented an interest session, "Working with Boys in the Middle School Choral Setting", for the 2006 Southern Division ACDA Conference in Charleston, WV, using his 8th Grade Young Men's Ensemble as the demonstration choir.
Tom Shelton is active in the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), where he currently serves as the President for the Southern Division. He has served as National Repertoire and Standards Chair for Junior High/Middle School Choirs (2007-2009), and President for North Carolina ACDA (2005-2007).
An active clinician, Tom has conducted the ACDA Central Division Junior High Honor Choir (Indianapolis), as well as Elementary, Middle, and High School Festivals and Honor Choirs in Alabama, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. In 2007, he traveled to Hong Kong to conduct a piece he was commissioned to write for the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Hong Kong International School.
Tom Shelton has compositions published by Colla Voce Music, Heritage Music Press, Hinshaw Music Company, and Santa Barbara Music Press. He is listed in “Who’s Who among America’s Teachers (2003-2004 edition) as well as “Who’s Who in America" (2005-2006 edition). Mr. Shelton works with the Greensboro Youth Chorus organization as conductor of the Chorale.